Chiropractic Care for Bed-Wetting

Are you a parent struggling to help a child who wets the bed? It can be challenging and stressful for both you and your little one. Let’s learn how pediatric chiropractic care may be able to help put an end to bed-wetting and make it easier for your child to get the sleep they need. 

How Pediatric Chiropractic Care Can Help a Bed-Wetting Child

If you're a parent dealing with the challenges of bed-wetting, you may wonder how pediatric chiropractic care may be able to help. Chiropractic care focuses on ensuring proper nerve flow and communication between the brain and the body. By addressing any misalignments in the spine that could be impacting the nervous system, your pediatric chiropractor can potentially aid in improving bladder control.

Through gentle adjustments tailored to children—typically applying no more pressure than what you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato—a chiropractor aims to restore balance within the body, which may positively impact issues like bed-wetting. Additionally, chiropractic adjustments are safe for children of all ages and do not involve any medication or invasive procedures, making it a natural and non-invasive option for parents seeking alternative solutions for their child's bed-wetting struggles. 

Through regular chiropractic care sessions, your child's sleep quality may gradually improve as their body realigns itself naturally. Additionally, addressing any potential spinal issues early on can contribute to their long-term health and well-being.

Tips to Help a Child Who Wets the Bed

It's essential to approach bed-wetting with patience and understanding. Avoid shaming or punishing your child for something they cannot control. Instead, offer reassurance and support while being proactive about doing your part to help. 

Creating a bedtime routine can be beneficial in managing bed-wetting episodes. Encourage your child to use the bathroom before going to sleep and limit their intake of fluids close to bedtime. It may also be helpful to track patterns and triggers related to bed-wetting episodes. Identifying any potential factors such as stress or diet changes could provide valuable insights into managing the issue effectively.

Try Chiropractic Care for Bed-Wetting in Bernardsville, NJ

The doctors at Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ, are familiar with applying the benefits of chiropractic care to childhood issues and conditions including bed-wetting, ear infections, and colic. If you’re not sure how to help a child with their bed-wetting problem, contact our team for help. We’ll go over the perks of pediatric chiropractic adjustments and ensure your child gets the care they need. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman