Regen Medicine for Tennis Elbow

Are you dealing with pain in your elbow after your most recent tennis match? Tennis elbow is a common injury for athletes, and Somerset Hills Chiropractic offers several treatment options to help you recover. One of our most innovative services is regenerative medicine, which can help your body heal from tennis elbow naturally and get you back onto the court more quickly. 

Why Try Regenerative Medicine for Tennis Elbow Pain

Somerset Hills Chiropractic is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for tennis elbow pain. We recognize that traditional methods may not always deliver the relief patients seek. That’s why we’re proud to offer regenerative medicine as part of our treatment arsenal.

Regenerative medicine harnesses your body’s natural healing processes. It targets damaged tissues in a way that promotes recovery without invasive procedures or lengthy downtime. Unlike surgery, stem-cell therapy is pain-free and lets you get back to your normal routine almost immediately. 

Our treatment leverages Hylajel, a cutting-edge gel derived from Wharton's Jelly. This remarkable substance is rich in hyaluronic acid, which helps stimulate tissue repair and regeneration at the cellular level. It also promotes improved circulation and boosts collagen production, both vital for tennis elbow pain relief and recovery. 

Better still, regenerative medicine seamlessly integrates with several of our other treatment options to enhance healing. Using regenerative medicine in concert with chiropractic care, lifestyle coaching, and massage therapy can help you overcome tennis elbow pain for good. 

Explore the Benefits of Regenerative Medicine at Somerset Hills Chiropractic

Regenerative medicine offers a fresh approach to managing and relieving tennis elbow pain. Our team would love to go over the benefits of this revolutionary treatment so that you can be confident that you’re doing what’s best for your health. Schedule an appointment at Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ, and put yourself on track to pain-free living. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman