Blood pressure represents one indication of heart health. A doctor or nurse assesses blood pressure through the measured expression of two numbers. The top number is called the systolic pressure and the bottom is defined as the diastolic number. The total blood pressure number reads like a fraction such as 120/80.

Blood pressure readings are expressed in millimeters of mercury, indicative of pressure, expressed as mm Hg. A standard reading of normal blood pressure in an adult is below 140/80 mm Hg and above 90/60 mm Hg. Normal consists of a range due to the reality that all individuals consist of some unique measures. Variations from normal prove acceptable if they stay in the range of normal.

The top systolic number refers to the amount of pressure in the arteries during a heart muscle contraction. The bottom diastolic number refers to the blood pressure between heart beats. Both numbers remain important in determining the state of heart health. Numbers greater than the ideal range indicate that the heart works too hard to pump blood to the rest of the body. This puts stress on both the blood vessels and the heart, leading to unwanted health consequences and higher risk of disease and illness.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, negatively influences many aspects of health and function in addition to impacting the heart. Hypertension presents as comorbidity in millions of people in American culture, placing them more at risk of severe health challenges. Comorbidity means two or more disorders or illnesses occurring in the same person. They can occur at the same time or one after the other. Comorbidity implies interactions between the illnesses that worsen or compromise the health potential of the body.

Science explains an interesting and important connection between the spine, nervous system, and blood  pressure. A random group of selected individuals split into two groups with one group receiving a Chiropractic upper neck adjustment and the other group received a placebo, or fake adjustment. Subjects did not know which group they were in.

The remarkable results determined that the group who received real adjustments experienced an average reduction in blood pressure of 27 points (17 systolic and 10 diastolic). An important additional piece of the study determined that those receiving adjustments were found to have misalignment in the upper neck, but never experienced any previous back or neck pain. Millions of people experience blood pressure problems related to their spine and nervous system yet live life unaware of growing danger simply because the body does not express an outward sign of pain. Many stories of heart related illness and disease begin with family members believing someone was in perfect health. Science and research continue to prove the amazing benefits of Chiropractic on health challenges beyond pain. The power comes from proactive care and keeping the body operating at optimal health in advance of deteriorating conditions which produce sickness and disease. Blood pressure operates like healthy teeth. They tend to demand attention when their conditions are almost irreparable without major intervention. Prepare for long term health for tomorrow by visiting a Chiropractor today.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Bill Wallace

Journal of Human Hypertension 2007 “Atlas Vertebra Realignment and Achievement of Arterial Pressure Goal in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Study.” G Bakris, M Dickholtz Sr, P M Meyer, G Kravitz, E Avery, M Miller, J Brown, C Woodfield, B Bell