Our Regenerative Medicine Successes

Of the many excellent services and products we offer at Somerset Hills Chiropractic, regenerative medicine is one that we’re especially proud of. This unique treatment, which can help stimulate your body’s natural healing processes, has helped several patients in and around Bernardsville, NJ. If you’re looking for a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative to pain relief and injury recovery, here’s what our patients have to say about regenerative therapy.   

Our Regenerative Medicine Success Stories

Matt S.

Many patients who undergo regenerative therapy treatment come to us looking for an alternative to surgery. Matt S. found regenerative therapy while weighing it against surgery and platelet-rich plasma therapy for his torn rotator cuff. His research ultimately guided him to Somerset Hills Chiropractic because regenerative medicine is less invasive yet can deliver quicker results. And, according to Matt, that’s just what it delivered.

“One year after the procedure, my activities are almost 100%,” he says. Matt calls regenerative medicine a “life-saver!”

Maryann W. 

Maryann W. also came to Somerset Hills Chiropractic looking for treatment for a torn rotator cuff. Her condition was so bad that she struggled to do the things she enjoyed, like gardening and playing tennis. 

She visited our offices in Bernardsville, NJ, and decided to try regenerative medicine instead of getting the recommended surgery. 

“The procedure was nearly painless, and I began to notice a difference in about two weeks,” Maryann says. “I am now pain-free and have about 90% range of motion even after three years. I am very pleased and would highly recommend this therapeutic option.”

Anthony V.

Regenerative medicine can also work wonders if you have back pain. Anthony V. visited Somerset Hills Chiropractic to find a solution for back pain and stiffness, and we steered him in the direction of this innovative treatment. With just a few treatments, Anthony reports that regenerative therapy has effectively wiped out decades of discomfort. 

“The regenerative therapy I received for my back has been a total game-changer,” he says. “Each month that passes seems to get even better. After having some level of pain for 20-plus years, it’s amazing to not have to think about my back anymore. I would do it again in a second if needed for some reason. Worth every penny!”

Try Regenerative Medicine in Bernardsville, NJ

In addition to treating back and shoulder pain, Somerset Hills Chiropractic recommends regenerative medicine as an alternative solution for issues up to and including knee injuries, tennis elbow, and other debilitating conditions. If you’d like to learn more success stories, schedule your consultation with Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman