5 Steps to a Happy Life

Living a happy life is the best way to enjoy life; life is too short to be unhappy. There are different steps we can follow to stay happy and to rewire our brain’s for happiness throughout our life. The world today disseminates negative information through the news, radio, and TV and this is one of the reasons why we have to rewire our brain for happiness and positivity.

There is a lot of misleading information online today that is changing our thought processes for the worse. Some of this information may include: the economy is bad, people are bad, processed foods are good, body symptoms are ok, and the world is ending. All these have brainwashed us and little did we know that all these determine and dictate our happiness to some extent.

If you depend on the world of media, the internet, and other resources, for your information you are sure to have difficulty maintaining long term happiness.  Did you know that 90% of happiness comes from within us and usually from the way our brain processes information? According to Shawn Anchors, “the reality does not shape us, but it is the way our brain views and processes the reality that defines us.”  Which means that our thoughts create how we see the world and what’s good or bad!

5 Steps to Happiness

 The attitude of Gratitude

There are a lot of things you should be grateful for, write them down (at least three most important ones) and ponder on them. With this, you will be able to view the positive side of the world, and this will rewire your brain for positivity.


This is mainly based on happiness. Write out the number one thing you are successful at achieving within 24 hours. This will create another set of happiness, and it will make you look back in your life and see how successful you are.


The body needs to remain active throughout the day, and the only way to maintain this activeness is to exercise the body. Exercising the body will begin to create behavioral changes. The more you are working out, the more positive your lifestyle will become. In addition to this, exercise will start to create a healthier you; you will be healthy and happy.


If you are the type that keeps on working without resting, you may begin to get burned out. You need to take a break after every hour or two while at the office; this will help improve the processes of the brain, and it will help you focus and concentrate more. There are several ways to meditate, and you can download many different apps to learn more about meditation. I recommend BrainTap.  Once you can refocus your energy you will be happy throughout the day.

Random Acts of Kindness

There are several things you can do for the people to remain happy. Do one thing for someone per day, and you will remain happy for the rest of the day.

Above all, do things that keep you happy, and you will remain happy throughout your life. Happiness is what prolongs one’s life with good health.  One study reports that on average an optimist lives 7 years longer than a pessimist!  Stay happy and stay young!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace