The Benefits of Chiropractic Care Include Balancing Weight Optimization Hormones

The benefits of chiropractic go far beyond simply alleviating back and neck pain. Research, medical science, and 120 years of chiropractic testimonies combine to produce millions of elated patients across the globe. While chiropractic continues to evolve into one of the top five health professions in the world, many medical doctors and mainstream medical instruction remain unaware of the research and science behind all the momentum. The short- and long-term benefits that chiropractic adjustments provide for people of all ages continues to be proven with growing archives of evidence and outcomes.

Important nutrients triggered by the brain through proper alignment and movement of the spine help explain the vast array of benefits experienced by chiropractic patients. A study published in 2011 explained that a specialized group of hormones play a significant role in why chiropractic adjustments achieve such significant health results. Hormones serve as chemical messengers that release directly into the blood and travel to organs and tissues to direct function and performance. Any intervention that influences hormones will powerfully and directly influence all bodily functions ranging from sleep and fertility to digestion and metabolism. Optimal health and performance only occurs when hormones maintain balance and coordination.

Research published in 2009 from Johns Hopkins University listed a group of conditions linked directly to the increase of a specific hormone called noradrenaline. The list included: cancer, bipolar disorder, excessive body weight, hypertension, type 1 autoimmune diabetes, type 2 diabetes, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and immune system function. One of the more notable symptoms linked to increased noradrenaline levels came in the form of excessive weight gain.

Conversely, many patients of both genders experienced some form of weight loss after starting chiropractic care. Research shows that chiropractic adjustments help restore hormonal balance and produce favorable health changes ranging from weight loss to improved overall body function. Chiropractic delivers much more than relief from back or neck pain. Balanced hormones through the power of an adjustment helps maximize every lifestyle and health change adopted by a patient.

Chiropractic helps balance a person’s hormones by reducing central nervous system dysfunction that exists due to subtle misaligned vertebral stress points in the spine. Science and research indicate that chiropractic adjustments lower stress hormones while helping coordinate and balance other chemical messengers through improved brain and organ function. Chiropractors remain intent on educating the world about the dangerous health conditions that begin forming by improper spinal mechanics and bad posture. Adjustments help maximize body function and can be utilized to improve health and performance for family members of all ages. A healthier tomorrow begins with chiropractic.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Bill Wallace

Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology October 2009 “Is elevated noradrenaline an aetiological factor in a number of diseases? PJ Fitzgerald Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Nov-Dec 2011 “Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation for neck pain.”Takeshi Ogura 1, Manabu Tashiro, Mehedi Masud, Shoichi Watanuki, Katsuhiko Shibuya, Keiichiro Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Itoh, Hiroshi Fukuda, Kazuhiko Yanai