The Central Nervous System: The Source for ALL Chiropractic Results

The current medical model of healthcare in most developed nations unintentionally fails to address a large component of health that plays a vital role in human function and performance. Failing to address the importance of human structure and its relationship to gravity proves costly. Chiropractors comprise a uniquely educated and scientifically trained profession focused on addressing spinal structure and biomechanics. These processes achieve extraordinary results extending far beyond pain relief by helping patients achieve optimal brain and nervous system function.

Science and research continually prove the extensive benefits of chiropractic. Many understand the positive influence of chiropractic on painful symptoms in the neck and back, but some people are surprised to learn that the list of overall health benefits from nervous system care produces a lengthy list of positive outcomes. Some notable influences of regular spinal care include better hormonal and organ function, prevention of bone and nerve degeneration, increased range of motion, and injury prevention. A study published in 2011 evaluated the data from all previous scientific literature and concluded that the best benefits achieved through chiropractic occur from proactive care over a period of time. Improving the health and function of the spine positively influences the brain, organs, nerves, bones, and soft tissue.

Utilizing chiropractic adjustments to optimize health and performance continues to expand in popularity and public awareness. Millions of patients understand that proactive health care represents the most effective and cost-efficient form of maintenance and wellness care available. People around the globe continue to learn that true health care does not originate from addressing pain and symptoms after they occur. Research concludes that genuine health comes from a proactive approach and specifically notes that, “chiropractic maintenance care optimizes levels of function and provides a process for achieving the best possible function and health.”

Unhealthy spinal joint motion produces negative short and long-term challenges. Immobilized or misaligned spinal joints experience degeneration within two to four weeks. Lack of spinal joint motion accompanies degeneration, neuroplastic changes, neural and muscle atrophy, and muscle weakness in that same window of time. People need to understand the importance of spinal care as a foundational aspect of overall health. A person choosing to indulge in an unhealthy diet or abstain from exercise for a few weeks or months can usually refocus and recommit to addressing those issues without permanently damaging their long-term health. Misaligned or immobilized vertebra begin producing long-term nerve, bone, and muscle degeneration within two to four weeks – even if pain and symptoms are not immediately present.

Regular and consistent chiropractic adjustments prove necessary for optimal health and wellness regardless of abnormal health symptoms. Infants, children, and adults benefit from chiropractic care to assess and address postural and structural spinal health. A healthy sign of the public conscience pursuing improved wellness comes from the growing number of families utilizing chiropractic care as a proactive approach to maximized performance and function. Genuine health care does not simply originate with a plan to address degeneration or pain after it begins. The proactive approach to long-term health for children and adults builds upon optimizing health within the brain, spine, and nervous system through chiropractic care.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Bill Wallace

Medical Hypotheses October 14 2015 “Measurable changes in the neuro-endocrinal mechanism following spinal manipulation.” Kesava Kovanur Sampath, Ramakrishnan Mani, James David Cotter, Steve Tumilty