10 Simple Science-Backed Ways to Reduce Stress

The hustle and bustle of everyday life coupled with dealing with your family can be very stressful.

Seeing a therapist is the first thing that comes to most people’s minds when they are stressed. But before subjecting yourself into the able hands of a healthcare professional, there are several ways you can go about managing stress on your own.

Here are 10 simple, science-backed ways to significantly reduce stress in your life:


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you must exercise. This is because it is essential for the maintenance of your mental and physical health.

Moderate workouts like aerobic exercises, according to studies, can boost your mood. Examples of aerobic exercise include running or walking.

When you exercise, your sleep and mood significantly improve, thereby sharpening your focus, according to studies.

Regular exercise can also help you to fight chronic health conditions like depression, etc.

Listen to Comforting Music

The relaxing effect of soothing or comforting music can have profound impacts on the human body.

For instance, studies have shown that slow-paced instrumental music induces the lowering of heart rate and blood pressure.

It also helps to bring down or minimize the production of stress hormones.

So, listen to the music that you enjoy. Listening to Celtic, Indian, classical or Native American music can be useful, too.


Every age group can engage in yoga as a method of exercise or stress relief.

Yoga styles differ, but there is no denying the fact that it is highly effective. Yoga has profound effects on one’s mental health, as related by several studies.

What cannot be denied, however, is the effect of yoga on stress responses and the nervous system.

Spend Quality Time with Friends and Family

Support from friends or family can help you to pass through any tough or challenging period in your life.

Good friends give you a sense of belonging and camaraderie. These are vital characteristics that can help you to weather any storm you are passing through.

A study which involved women has indicated that spending quality time with children and friends releases a natural stress reliever called oxytocin.

However, that is not to say that men do not benefit from friendship as well.

This is further proven by another study which showed that men and women with few social connections are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

Minimize the Intake of Caffeine-rich Beverages

Caffeine is the central stimulant found in tea, coffee, energy drinks, and chocolate. Extremely high doses of caffeine can heighten anxiety.

So, if you start noticing that caffeine makes you anxious or high-strung, you should consider cutting back on its intake.

Coffee is healthy when consumed in moderation, according to studies. But going overboard can have disastrous effects on your overall health.

Chew Gum Often

Chewing gum may look quite simple, but the action promotes the flow of blood to your brain.

This results in the improvement of your emotions and subsequent relief from stress, according to studies.

Get More Playtime with Your Furry Friend

Pets have been proven to provide relief from the effects of stress, as indicated by a study. This is the primary reason why some companies allow their employees to bring in their pets.

Playing with your pet also increases the production of oxytocin, the “good mood” hormone.

Say “No” When it Matters

Learn to say “No” when you are not comfortable with any development around you. Only pushovers agree to every situation they encounter.

Most situations which compel you to say “Yes” instead of “No” can be extremely stressful, according to studies.

But by learning to say “No,” you will have prevented the addition of things that will heighten your stress level later on.

Keep and Use a Journal

Only a few people know that writing things down on paper or in a journal has therapeutic effects.

So, get that journal out and start penning down what you are grateful for. You will gain healthier perspectives on life at the end of the day.

Laugh More

It is said that laughter is the music of the soul. It can be challenging to laugh under stressful conditions.

However, you should laugh anyway. It is therapeutic and can help to minimize stress in two, significant ways:

  • Eases tension by relaxing your tense muscles

  • Assuage your stress response

Laughter helps to improve the mood as well as your immune system in the long term.

A recent study involving people with cancer indicates that laughter played a functional role as a stress reliever in the intervention groups.

So, hang out with friends who make you laugh or go on YouTube in search of comedy videos.

Emotional stress is the number one cause of disease in this country!  Emotional stress can negatively affect your spine and nervous system.  Try some of these tips to minimize your stress levels because not only will you feel better but you will be healthier long-term! 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace