Avoid Neck & Back Pain From Driving

Are you gearing up for a summer adventure? Driving long distances can be a literal pain in the neck (and back), but with some simple road trip tips and tricks, you can avoid discomfort and make your journey as smooth as possible. 

Road Trip Tips to Avoid Neck & Back Pain From Driving

Use Good Posture

Maintaining correct driving posture is key to preventing neck and back pain on long road trips much in the same way that ergonomics are important at work. Start by adjusting your seat so that your hips are level with or slightly above your knees. This helps support your lower back and reduces strain. 

Ensure that your headrest is positioned at the center of your head, not too high or low, so that it can support the natural curve of your neck. Avoid slouching or leaning forward while driving—sit upright with your shoulders relaxed and aligned with your hips. Make sure there's ample space between you and the steering wheel to avoid hunching over.

Stop and Stretch

Long hours behind the wheel can take a toll on your body, especially your neck and back. Making periodic stops to stretch can help you stay pain-free and enjoy the ride to the fullest. 

When you stop to stretch and move around, you're giving your muscles a chance to relax and reset. Take advantage of rest areas or scenic spots to get out of the car, walk around, and do some simple stretches.

Not only will stretching help prevent stiffness and discomfort, but it can also improve circulation and energy levels during those long drives. Plus, taking short breaks throughout your journey allows you to enjoy the sights and experiences along the route even more.

Get a Pre-Trip Adjustment

If you want to avoid neck and back pain from driving, chiropractic care is one of the most powerful tools you can use. By ensuring that your spine is properly aligned, you can reduce the strain on your neck and back while driving. This proactive approach to spinal health can make a significant difference in how you feel both during and after your road trip. 

Visit your chiropractor in Bernardsville, NJ, before your road trip and let us know what you need help with. We can help realign your spine, remove tension in your muscles, and get you ready to take the ride with tips to help you on your road trip. 

Schedule a Chiropractic Adjustment Before Your Summer Road Trip 

Don't let neck or back pain from driving or back pain hinder your next big road trip. Prioritize your spinal health by scheduling a pre-trip adjustment at Somerset Hills Chiropractic. Your body will thank you as you cruise down the highway toward your destination with comfort and peace of mind.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman