Growing pains are not a natural occurrence and should not just be covered up by aspirin.  Growing pains are another form of vitamin-deficiency disease, in this case sub-clinical rickets.  You remember rickets; when your bones bent and your joints suffered because of a calcium deficiency.  Sub-clinical rickets is the same thing on a lesser scale.

Growing pains are caused by a calcium deficiency and crushed rock (calcium carbonate in most supplements) will usually fail to resolve the problem because this form of calcium is difficult for your child's body to utilize. Instead, your kids need their calcium from vegetables.  If they refuse vegetables, be sure they get enough naturally low-dose Calcium Lactate (4-15 daily) from Standard Process to keep their bones healthy as they grow.  Calcium Lactate is more expensive to make because it is not crushed rock, it is made from vegetables found in nature.  Better yet, add in real vitamin D to help calium get into their bones.  The best form of vitamin D comes from Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Green Pasture (3-4 capsules daily).

Having appropriate supplementation in your child'd diet is vital to their long-term health.  Next time you have a moment look at the ingredients on your child's vitamin bottle.  If you cannot pronounce the names it means that your child is not getting the proper nutrients out of it.  Taking natural whole food vitamins versus pharmaceutical grade vitamins will help fill the nutritional gaps your child needs to be healthy in the future.  Rule of thumb is if it's in a gummy it's time to find a new vitamin. (Adults included!)

Yours in health,

Dr. Brian Wallace