Too Late to See A Chiropractor?

Many people in today’s world have become used to daily pain and it has become part of their lives. Waking up every day with the same nagging pain can be debilitating. However, you don’t have to resign yourself to such a fate.

A chiropractor can give you a new lease of life, a life free of debilitating pain. This is why you should not put off a visit to the local chiropractor.

All you need to do is follow their recommendations, meet your health needs, and your life will be better.

Why You Should See a Chiropractor

But why should I see a chiropractor? You ask. After all, you can use medications to ease away that nagging pain in your lower back.

The truth is that a chiropractor will help you to recover fast. Chiropractors are professionals who know how to handle other health issues you may not even think were related to chiropractic.

For instance, in the chiropractic universe, it is believed that ultimate health originates from the spine. And this belief is based on the fact that the spine is the home of the central nervous system.

The central nervous system controls the entire body, and so must function efficiently. If it is, your whole body falls in line and functions at its optimal.

What Happens at the Chiropractor?

Visiting a chiropractor is not all that different from visiting regular healthcare providers. The only differences are the unique elements that come with such visits.

The chiropractic treatment table is the most distinct item you will see in a chiropractor’s office. You will notice how elaborate the table is and how it gives room for specific movement or positioning during spinal adjustments.

Typical visits to a chiropractor include an intake, physical examination, and a follow-up plan.

Initial Intake: You will undergo an initial intake or chiropractic consultation. It is not all that different from a regular medical intake.

You may be asked to fill out a health questionnaire, mention your medical or health history, etc.

Physical Examination: This involves a routine physical examination which focuses primarily on your spine. Specific attention will be given to the area where you feel the most pain.

But in most cases, chiropractors examine the entire spine. This is to ensure that the pain occurring from a particular location does not have secondary effects at another place.

The chiropractor will then inform you of your current health condition as well as the ideal approach for eliminating the pain.

Physical examination includes the following:

Reflex testing

Range of motion tests

Orthopedic tests

Comparisons of muscle strength


Neurological tests, etc.

Treatment Plan: After the assessment, the chiropractor develops a customized treatment plan that takes the following into account:

The extent of the injury

Your overall health

The condition of the spine, and whether or not it is affected by a previous injury or age

Determination of your treatment goals

Is it Too Late to See a Chiropractor?

It is never too late to see a chiropractor, especially if you are experiencing discomfort. But you need to be open to treatment; make your health a priority.

So if you haven’t had your spine checked by a chiropractor, make it a priority.  Spinal health is vital to health and longevity.  Give us a call as Somerset Hills Chiropractic at (908) 221-0808 or text us at (908) 432-6561 to set up an appointment.  It’s never too late to see a chiropractor.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace