You know the kid; he or she is constantly bumping into things, dropping things, breaking thinks, unable to catch a ball, having trouble keeping left and right straight, having a hard time doing two things at once.  These kids often start out having fine motor problems like handwriting or holding a pencil.  They often end up with gross whole body movement problems like poor balance, poor spatial awareness (where they are in their environment), inability to cross the body;s midline with their arm or leg, and even getting an arm and leg confused.  

The technical word for this is dyspraxia.  Dyspraxia is medically defined as a specific learning disability.  But in actuality, dyspraxia is a catch all term which often describes the clumsy kid.  Before you break the bank and embark on months or years of counseling, special classes, or prescription drugs, be sure to give your child's brain a chance by providing it what it needs to improve balance and end clumsiness naturally.  

The most common deficiencies that cause this syndrome are omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B deficiencies.  We already discussed vitamin B in last weeks article.  With abnormally clumsy kids, Cataplex B is definitely indicated.  But, in addition these kids need an omega-3 supplement.  Feed them fish on a weekly basis, and give them Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Green Pasture (2-4 capsules daily).  These are critical to good brain chemistry, and good brain chemistry is critical for good balance.  You will know within 90 days if this is the cause of your child's dyspraxia or clumsiness.  

Stay tuned next week for how to prevent Ear infections, Colds, and Flu!

Yours in health, 

Dr. Brian Wallace