It has now been proven that the health of your intestine and colon (your gut flora) has a direct effect on your immune system.  This immune response is twice as powerful for your children.  When they come down with a cold, flu, or ear infection and are dosed with heavy antibiotics, their healthy gut flora is destroyed.  Once the healthy flora is destroyed it allows harmful bacteria and yeasts to overtake the healthy bacteria in their gut.  This is a major cause for reinfection at a later date.  You must keep antibiotics as a treatment of last resort in most cases. Yet without an alternative, it can sometimes seem impossible.  An ear infection can become a horribly painful condition.  But, if you are armed and ready, you can handle most of these infections as well as colds and flu without the use of antibiotics.  

Some alternatives to antibiotics:

Ear infections: 1). Always keep on hand Ear Drops by NutriBiotic (Whole Foods or other Health Food Stores). These drops are a combination of tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract, glycerine, and alcohol.  Just put a drop in your child's ear two to three times per day.  The earlier you treat the problem, the easier it is to be resolved quickly without antibiotics.  2). Also, if your child is having chronic ear infections make sure they are examined by a chiropractor to see if their issue is due to poor drainage of the ear canal from improper posture and biomechanics of the upper neck region.  Many documented cases of chronic ear infections have been helped by chiropractors. 3). If your child has already been on some type of antibiotic therapy get them on probiotics immediately!  Being on a good probiotic will help your child produce and replenish their healthy gut bacteria which has been destroyed by the antibiotic.  I recommend Prosymbiotic by Standard Process (Sold by Healthcare Professions as well as Somerset Hills Chiropractic) or Therabiotic Complete by Klaire Labs both of these probiotics are of the highest quality.  Buying store brands in pharmacies just doesn't cut it, most of the cultures are already dead or are not at the proper levels to help the gut replenish properly.  

Colds and Flu: You need to be armed with powerful alternatives to antibiotics at all times because you never know when your child will feel ill.  Most antibiotics are useless against viral infections such as the flu and most colds.  Antibiotics carry a lot of long-term side effects that are often related to gut flora damage.  You will need to keep Congaplex (1-2 capsules every 1-2 hours also comes in chewable form) by Standard Process on hand and give this to your child at the first sign or symptom of illness until the cold is resolved.  At the same time give them Blue Ice Fermented Cold Liver Oil (1 capsule every 2-3 hours) until the cold is resolved.   

Sinus Relief: It's also important to keep antimicrobials on hand.  These are sprays made from colloidal silver and herbs that can be applied directly to the sinuses, throat, and bronchi to kill bacteria, viruses, and even fungus, right where they live. My family is never without Sinus Relief (  These along with Congaplex and cod liver oil will stop most colds and flu in their tracks without ever needing antibiotics.  Your body will thank you if you can minimize the amount of antibiotics that are put into your and your families body on a yearly basis.  

Please check with a healthcare provider or call Somerset Hills Chiropractic at (908) 221-0808 before purchasing any of these so that the proper dosage can be given to your child depending on age and size.

Yours in health,

Dr. Brian Wallace