Prostate surgery has come a long way since the TURP procedure.  Thankfully it has been replaced by a safer, more effective, and less damaging surgery call green-light laser therapy.  The experts have also learned that instead of the commonplace prostatectomy and radiation in most cases it is better to watch and wait in the beginning.  And whether you have BPH or the beginning stages of prostate cancer watching and waiting combined with the correct nutritional protocol can be a powerful treatment.  

I have seen in my own office men who have been able to avoid surgery from BPH and have a total reduction in symptoms using a few simple vitamins from Standard Process.  These vitamins are not the highly advertised, super potent, and very expensive prostate formula herbal pills.  Rather, these vitamins are made from vitamin F, prostate gland tissue extract, and herbs.  Vitamin F is the name for unsaturated fatty acids from naturals fats and oils that has been helping men with BPH since 1936.  

The protocol of choice is Cataplex F (4-6 tablets daily with food) and Palmettoplex (3-4 daily with food) both products are from Standard Process and only available through a healthcare provider.  Don't fall for the super potent prostate products instead change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables.  Give your body 4-6 months using this protocol to judge its effectiveness.  Cataplex F contains vitamin F as well as liver extract and iodine.  Palmettoplex contains prostate tissue extract, tomato extract, saw palmetto extract, stinging nettle root extract, pygeum extract, zinc, liver extract, and more. But most important is that these products are grown, harvested, and processed whole, raw, and without heat or chemicals so that they retain their live energy.  

If you need surgery even the green-light laser treatment it is still surgery.  Sometimes it can fail and cause more problems.  But most of the problems and ineffectivness have to do with the surgeon.  For sure any surgeon can run into problems because everyone is different but your odds are better when you go to someone who has successfully performed at least 100 green-light surgeries.  So don't be shy and ask your urologist how many successful procedures he has performed.  

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer already and your protocol calls for watchful waiting, make sure to add a nutritional protocol into your treatment.  This protocol consists of four products from Standard Process: Arginex (6 daily), Cataplex E ( 6 daily), Cyruta Plus (9 daily), and Immuplex (4 daily); which directly affect your prostate as well as providing supreme immune system support as well as Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil ( 6 daily).  All of these vitamins should be split evenly into 3 dosages throughout the day and all should be taken with food.  Allow 4-6 months to re-evaluate .  With this type of watchful waiting and nutritional protocol you can use the PSA test as one form to monitor your success. Prostate cancer surgery and radiation does not insure a cure and it can cause serious side effects.  As long as you are watching your prostate cancer, why not use the time to actually treat your prostate cancer with the proper nutrients!  Please seek the advice of a licensed medical professional before starting any of the above treatments.

Yours in health,

Dr. Brian Wallace