Reduce Headaches with Chiropractic

Occasional headaches happen, but frequent headaches are not normal. Chiropractic care can be an effective form of treatment, addressing the underlying causes of headaches so that you get them less often. If you’re not sure how to reduce headaches, regular chiropractic adjustments could be an ideal solution to your problem. 

What Are the Causes of Headaches? 

There are many different types of headaches, and thus, many different causes of headaches. They typically fall under two categories: primary and secondary. Tension headaches and migraines are examples of the former, and both can be caused by bad posture. Not sitting properly creates tension in your neck, shoulders, and back, especially so if you spend a lot of your day working at a desk. Sitting for long periods without getting up to move and doing it with bad posture is the perfect recipe for frequent headaches. 

The causes of headaches can also include lack of sleep and stress, though these usually don’t cause chronic headaches on their own. All the same, these and other causes of headaches can be dealt with effectively with chiropractic care. 

How to Reduce Headaches with Chiropractic

If you suffer from frequent headaches, the team at Somerset Hills Chiropractic can help. The doctors at our practice are experienced in identifying the root causes of your headaches and creating effective plans to address them. In many cases, spinal subluxations and spinal misalignment are major triggers for regular headaches, and those problems can be readily addressed with routine adjustments. 

Once you’ve begun experiencing fewer headaches, you can move through the other phases of chiropractic care. By following a care plan, which may include corrective exercises and other lifestyle advice, you can correct things like bad posture that might lead to regular headaches and keep your body healthier moving forward. 

Schedule an Appointment at Somerset Hills Chiropractic

Not sure how to reduce headaches? Try chiropractic care for effective, natural pain relief. Schedule an appointment with Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ, and we’ll build a plan of action that can help you experience a higher quality of life and better overall wellness. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman