Posts tagged preparing for labor
Why Try Chiropractic While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also come with unwelcome side effects like back pain and discomfort. If you're looking for a natural and safe way to find relief, prenatal chiropractic care might be just what you need. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to stay pain-free during pregnancy, and it may even make a difference when it comes time to welcome your new bundle of joy into the world.

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Why See a Prenatal Chiropractor

If you’re expecting a new addition to your family, you want everything to go as smoothly as possible throughout your pregnancy. You’ll have several medical appointments along the way, and you may be wondering if it is safe to see your chiropractor as you go. Not only is it safe, but there are several good reasons why you should see a prenatal chiropractor while pregnant

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Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic

Carrying a child is one of the most important times in a person’s life, but it can put a considerable amount of stress on the body. If you’re expecting a child and want relief from pain and soreness, you don’t want to overlook the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care. If you’re hesitant about receiving chiropractic care during your pregnancy, rest assured that it’s safe and can offer relief for back pain, soreness, and more

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Study Links Chronic Disease to Babies Born via C-Section

Spinal health plays a significant role in human health. The structure and function of the spine often ends up misunderstood and overlooked by healthcare professionals. The reality of optimal health for all ages directly involves intentional care of the nervous system.

The purpose of any healthcare system or strategy pursues improving the quality and longevity of life. Some interventions have proven to be harmful for both short and long-term health outcomes. One example comes in the form of cesarean sections. A large study tracking C-section birth results for more than three decades revealed significant findings. Infants born via C-section experienced remarkably higher rates of chronic immune system-related diseases.

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Chiropractic During Pregnancy Leads to Healthier Births

Movement and alignment of spinal bones prove essential to life and health. Specific information and feedback required by the brain to properly control all aspects of the body comes from flexible alignment and motion in the spine. Research demonstrates the vital need for spinal care from conception through advanced age for every man, woman, and child.

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Babies born via C-section at Higher Risk of Chronic Disease How Chiropractic can Help

Millions of mothers prepare to give birth every year. Childbirth represents one of the most amazing moments and gifts experienced by any parent. Even in times of crises or during global pandemics, bringing a child into the world is one of the most amazing events and important moments in the life of a parent. A healthy delivery is more valued than any of the other variables such as the sex of the baby or finding a name.

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Pregnant Women Deserve to Experience the Amazing Benefits of Chiropractic

The number of home births continues to increase due to the current public health challenges plaguing the world. Drugless health measures become more commonly practiced in order to achieve greater function, strength and resilience within the body. Pregnant women deserve recognition more than ever before during this health crisis. Women across the world continue to develop a deeper understanding of the incredible health benefits for both mom and baby during labor and delivery.

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Study Links Babies Born Via C-Section to Chronic Diseases, Can Chiropractic Help?

Millions of mothers prepare to give birth every year. Childbirth represents one of the most amazing moments and gifts experienced by any parent. Expecting mothers and fathers usually respond to questions about a preferred baby gender with greater hopes that the baby comes out healthy and with all fingers and toes accounted for. Parents tend to value a healthy delivery over all other variables.

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According to recent headlines, the historical widely utilized and deeply entrenched obstetric practice of immediately clamping and cutting the umbilical cord is being called into question.  What we may also want to question is why the practice of immediately severing the last connection transferring the stuff of life between mother and baby ever began in the first place.

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