Many people around the world today have jobs that lead them to have a sedentary lifestyle. At least one out of four American adults spends an enormous amount of time sitting behind a desk (for over 8 hours every day), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There is growing evidence that when you sit for extended periods, it could severely affect your spine. Since sitting is part of your job, what can you do about this development? Here are a few tips that you should follow to make your workplace spine-friendly.

Choose and Use a Good Chair

You should use of an ergonomic chair which will help to reduce discomfort and fatigue while improving your blood flow. A well-constructed chair can help to minimize the risk of injury to your lower back and neck.

This is why you must get the right type of chair. Go for a chair that has the following features:

A good and fluffy backrest for exceptional lumbar support

Recline-ability i.e., it can be reclined at 100-degrees to 110-degrees angle for better posture

Armrests for your arms

A swivel chair allows you to switch tasks easily

Flexible or adjustable height

Improve Your Sitting Posture

If you get and use a swivel chair with adjustable height as well as a backrest, but do not sit correctly, your spine will pay dearly for it. This is why you should always improve your sitting posture by doing the following:

Always sit uprightly with your shoulders and back resting against the back of your chair

Do not slouch for any reason

Do not cross your legs whenever you are in a seated position. Keep your feet planted squarely on the floor

Let your shoulders relax while you make use of the computer

Never hold your smartphone or office phone receiver between your head and shoulder. Using a hands-free headset prevents neck and shoulder pain

Adjust Your Computer Screen

Do you use a desktop computer as part of your daily routine? All you need to do is to ensure that the monitor is positioned at arm’s length and level with your eyes.

This is because it is good practice to keep your head at the correct level because tilting it for prolonged periods can subsequently cause problems with your neck and shoulders.

If you make use of a laptop, consider stacking it on some books or set it up on a laptop stand. This will position the computer at eye level.

Invest in a Sit-to-Stand Desk

Staying in one position for extended periods is one of the pitfalls of the modern workplace. The ideal approach is to switch between sitting and standing. The best way to achieve this is by investing in a sit-stand desk.

Sit-stand desks offer users the perfect option to work without stress in both standing and sitting postures. They have even been discovered to help users to burn unwanted or excess calories.

These types of desks come in various price points and styles, and since it helps you to mix your postures at work all day, you should invest in a good one. You will no doubt enjoy the boost such a desk will contribute to your wellness at your workplace.

Take Spine Breaks from Time to Time

Yes, go for breaks by taking a short 15-minute walk, stretching, etc. all in a bid to get the blood flowing in the right places. So, don’t forget to get too caught up in your work only to find that you have been sitting for two hours straight.  Any type of movement will help to keep muscles from tightening up and keep swelling and inflammation from entering your joints. 

Putting the tips outlined above into practice every day will prevent you from straining and injuring your spine. 

Spinal health is vitally important to your longevity since your spine houses your nervous system.  Your nervous system is the master control system of your body and without proper nerve function your body will not stay healthy.  Getting your spine checked annually is worth it!  I always use the analogy of the dentist.  Everyone sees the dentist to make sure their teeth are healthy!  Well this is the same thing you should be doing with your spine!  If you want to have your spine checked to see if it is as healthy as you think it is give us a call at (908) 221-0808.  Your spinal health is crucial to your overall health.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace