October 2022 Newsletter

Dear Patient,

Happy October!

Are you moving yet?

The latest research regarding posture and exercise states the following:  Postural abnormalities not only distort movement resulting in osteoarthritic changes over time, it also affects your breathing and digestion resulting in more serious chronic conditions.

In other words, change in your posture affects the way we all move.  If we don’t move with free range of motion, we develop fixated joints and fixated joints develop osteoarthritis over time. Arthritis only means inflammation of a movable joint.  Osteoarthritis is a preventable condition if we continue moving throughout life.

Posture reflects the way we breathe.  If you slump, develop forward head posture or sit too much our diaphragm gets compromised and our oxygen level diminishes.  If our oxygen level diminishes our heart works harder to pump the available oxygen and guess what, we develop congestive heart failure as we age.

Posture affects our digestion.  It is estimated that 70% of U.S. citizens develop chronic digestion problems during their lifetime.  If you do not sit with good posture while eating, eat too much, lie down within two hours of a meal, or don’t move after a meal you will develop reflux issues, constipation, and other digestive problems. 

We have spoken about posture for years.  It is nice to see the rest of the world catching on.   Chiropractic care improves posture, improves digestion, can prevent osteoarthritis, and benefits in all aspects of health.

Thank you for being such a terrific patient and taking responsibility for staying healthy.

In great health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Ray Horman