The benefits associated with chiropractic care are numerous, but what a lot of people are not aware of is that massage therapy and chiropractic care work synergistically. When you receive regular chiropractic adjustments in combination with massage therapy your overall wellness can be significantly improved.

Many chiropractic practices provide massage therapy as part of chiropractic treatment since they complement each other. Here is what you should know about these practices and how they go hand in hand:

Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care: How They Work

Chiropractic adjustments help to do away with joint restrictions or misalignments called subluxations in the joints of the spine. Such adjustments reduce both pain and inflammation while enhancing the overall function of the nervous system.

Chiropractic adjustments involve the use of highly-controlled and gentle pressure as well as minimal force. Massage therapy, on the other hand, works the muscles and tendons of the human body. Highly skilled massage therapists know different techniques to manipulate the muscles and ligaments, which are affected by pain or inflammation.

How Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care Work in Tandem

When chiropractic care is used along with massage therapy, a harmonious effect is created as a result. This leads to faster recovery time for the patient.  The muscles of the human body function via coordinated movements and timing via the message received from the nervous system in connection with the spinal cord.

When restriction and inflammation are significantly minimized in both the nervous system and the muscles or tendons, the human body begins to function and communicate remarkably well.

Regular chiropractic adjustments along with massage therapy – also referred to as “Chiropractic Massage Therapy” – make an excellent and unbeatable team for promoting wellness.

After a thorough massage, the muscles are relaxed and loosened, thereby making chiropractic adjustments a breeze as it becomes more effective. This results in immediate relief from pain for an extended period.

Moreover, the soft tissues that undergo treatment during massage therapy usually heal much faster when the joints are correctly aligned. Regular chiropractic massage therapy helps in preventing the re-occurrence of pain.

Chiropractic massage therapy also contributes to the following:

Increases flexibility

Promotes a range of motion

Enhances the function of the immune system

Increases blood flow

The superb combination of chiropractic care in conjunction with massage therapy has been used to mend the following health conditions successfully:

Joint pain

Sleep disorders

Lower back pain

Pinched nerves

Postoperative care



Degenerative disc issues

Spinal stenosis

Muscle spasms

Soft tissue injuries

Spinal cord stimulation

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, etc.


Massage therapy has several beneficial effects on the mind and the body. It helps in preparing the muscles for chiropractic adjustments and also reduces stress and anxiety while encouraging relaxation.

Chiropractic care is the perfect method for enhancing overall musculoskeletal and health efficiency. Together, they can do wonders for your overall health!  If you have yet to meet our massage therapists Jenn or Karen please let us know next time you are in and we will set up a 10 minute complimentary massage for you to see if this type of treatment can benefit you as well. 

Yours in health,

Dr. Brian Wallace