Start a Daily Stretching Routine

No matter what you do for work during the day or how active you are outside of office hours, a daily stretching routine is key for better overall wellness. Regular stretching helps prevent muscle soreness, keeps you limber and flexible, and can avert lower back pain and other injuries. If you’re not taking time to stretch every day, there’s no time like the present to pick up better habits. 

Mix Up Your Daily Stretching Routine 

When it comes to a daily stretching routine, there are likely a few areas you’ll consistently want to target with the same corrective exercises. If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, for example, stretches that target your spine will be important to avoid lower back pain. But you should still make an effort to work in stretches that target other areas, like ankle rolls, hip rotations, and quadriceps stretches. A comprehensive daily stretching routine is especially important if you’re more active because it can prevent muscle soreness and may even help you avoid overuse injuries. 

There’s Never a Wrong Time to Stretch

Being consistent with timing is a good way to build a routine, and that holds true with stretching. As for when the best time of day is for you to get into your daily stretching routine, the answer depends on what you do and how you do it. Stretching right after you wake up, in the middle of your workday, and before you go to bed are all great options. In fact, spreading out your stretching over the course of a day might even ensure that you feel limber and energized during the day and more relaxed before it’s time to go to bed. 

One thing is for sure: If you’re exercising, stretching to warm up and cool down is critical for staving off injury. Proper stretching can help prevent muscle soreness, decrease your chances of injury, and maximize the effect of a good workout

Build Better Health Habits with Somerset Hills Chiropractic

It’s still early in the new year, and now is an excellent time to invest in better health and wellness in 2023. Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ, offers tools to help you on your journey, up to and including teaching you corrective exercises that can become part of your daily stretching routine. If you’re ready to make this your year, schedule an appointment online, and let’s get the ball rolling together. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman