Posts tagged sexual health
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Sperm Counts, and Back Pain

Nearly half of all men between 45-69 years old regularly use over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDs). This class of medications unfortunately also offers relief accompanied by the greatest dangers and side effects. Research published over the last fifteen years link regular NSAID use to hypertension, gastro-intestinal bleeding, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart attacks, stroke, hearing loss, kidney disease, and poor wound healing. Studies completed in 2011, 2017, and 2018 also prove a link exists between regular NSAID use and lower sperm counts, low T (testosterone), and erectile dysfunction. All of this data forms the conclusion that using NSAIDs should come with extreme caution. The risk associated with NSAID use threaten men who often have no idea of the risks and links to other conditions.

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One of the joys of marriage is having a baby. Not only does it create a sense of responsibility toward the infant, but it also increases the bond between husband and wife. However, many couples around the world find it pretty difficult to conceive, and this brings along with it a host of almost intolerable challenges.

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