Safety Tips for Outdoor Exercise

Exercising outdoors in the spring can be a literal breath of fresh air, but making sure you do it safely is paramount. From sun protection to hydration and injury prevention, these essential safety tips help ensure that your outdoor workout is a success. And if an injury is keeping you away from enjoying exercise in the great outdoors, you’ll want to consider the benefits of regenerative medicine at Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ

Safety Tips for Outdoor Exercise This Spring

Stay Hydrated in the Sun

Staying hydrated is essential, and especially so when working out outdoors. The sun and heat can quickly deplete your body's water reserves, leading to dehydration. Remember to bring a reusable water bottle filled with fresh, cold water before heading out for your outdoor exercise session. Sipping on water throughout your workout helps regulate your body temperature and prevents overheating. It also ensures that your muscles function optimally, reducing the risk of cramps or injuries during an outdoor workout.

Always Apply Sunscreen

One of the best safety tips you can follow any time you go outdoors is to make sure you’re applying sunscreen. Opt for a broad-spectrum formula with an SPF of 30 or higher for ideal protection. Apply it generously before heading out and reapply every two hours, especially if you're sweating heavily. Don't forget areas like your ears, neck, and feet—they need protection too. You should also apply sunscreen on cloudy days as ultraviolet rays will still shine through. 

Make Time to Stretch

Incorporating stretching into your outdoor exercise routine can enhance performance, prevent muscle strain, and promote overall well-being. Dynamic stretching can help warm up your muscles by incorporating movement into the stretches such as leg swings or arm circles. Static stretching involves holding positions for a period of time to elongate the muscles and improve flexibility.

Try Regenerative Therapy for Workout Injuries

Regenerative medicine offers a natural way to promote healing within the body. This innovative therapy can help repair damaged tissues and accelerate the recovery process, helping you come back from an injury and get back to outdoor exercise.

Unlike traditional treatments that only address symptoms, regenerative therapy targets the root cause of an injury by stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms. This approach not only promotes faster recovery but also reduces the risk of reinjury in the future.

If you're looking to get back on track with your outdoor workouts and activities quickly and safely, consider exploring regenerative therapy as a holistic solution for your sports injury woes.

Prep for Outdoor Exercise With Somerset Hills Chiropractic

Whether you need regenerative therapy to recover from tennis elbow or lifestyle advice to get you back on the right track, your friends at Somerset Hills Chiropractic are here to help in Bernardsville, NJ. Give us a call at (908) 221-0808 or schedule an appointment online to get started.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman