Posts in Stress Relief
Does Poor Nutrition Affect Stress?

Poor nutrition doesn't just affect your waistline—it can also have significant effects on your stress levels. The mental, physical, and emotional side effects of an unbalanced diet can easily be beaten back by focusing on eating better and more mindfully. Once you understand how poor nutrition can affect stress—and vice versa—you’ll be more empowered to take control of your holistic health.

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Chiropractic Offers Help and Hope as Stress Levels Soar

2020 concluded as one of the most stressful years in history. Statistics reflect the damage and fallout from lives lived in a sea of stress. A Gallup poll determined that 79% of people experienced stress sometimes or frequently throughout their day. That poll was taken before the pandemic even began! Now cities are experiencing massive increases in stress data that reflect a tragic suicide increase of over 40% from 2019 to 2020. People conducting their daily routines amidst feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry needs to be addressed with a healthy and hope-filled solution.

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Adjustments Positively Influence Mood and Emotions

Stress levels rank at an all-time high and the effects of the pandemic continue to challenge the human race like few other events in this lifetime. People in every country continue to share in the fear and challenges of the last 12 months and experience the global stress on a local day to day level. Fear, isolation, and loss become far too common. Loss of jobs, loss of time with friends and family, fear of a virus, and isolation only add to the worry and anxiety. The culmination of such negative emotions and hormones increases the long-term risk of health challenges and symptoms.

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Chiropractic Adjustments Reduce Stress Hormones

Chiropractic adjustments began producing a litany of evidence-based outcomes that benefit males and females of all ages dating back over 100 years. People do not often think of chiropractic being an essential part of proactive health for both adult and adolescent development, but research proves that a healthy and well-regulated nervous system sets the stage for a lifetime of optimal health.

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Stress Relief: A welcome Side-Effect of Chiropractic Adjustments

Stress ranks at an all-time high in the United States and throughout the world. A lack of confidence breeds uncertainty and worry. Emotional stress and depression comprise two of the worst conditions on earth, resulting in a foundation for the most doctor visits and drug prescriptions annually. Stress represents the single biggest contributor to all disease.

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