Posts tagged Chiropractic Benefits
Enjoy the Benefits of Chiropractic in 2023

2023 is here, and it has the potential to be your best year yet. One way to realize that potential is to make the year ahead one in which you focus on your health and wellness. And receiving regular adjustments is a fine way to make yourself more of a priority. If your goal for 2023 is to feel better every day, there are far more reasons to see a chiropractor than just natural pain relief.

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Chiropractic Offers Safe, Proactive Health Care

Insurance companies perform the best liability studies to evaluate risk assessment and determine potential for accident or injury. Good insurance companies will do extensive research fueled by the incentive to minimize risk of injury that would force a payout. Monthly insurance premiums are established based on risk. Higher risk means charging a higher premium. The public health landscape takes these non-biased criteria into consideration when evaluating the safety of chiropractic. The potential for risk directly relates to the amount of premiums insurance companies deem customary for healthcare practitioners. Chiropractors routinely experience the lowest health insurance premiums when compared to any other healthcare provider.

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Father of Medicine Predicted Why Chiropractic Would Be So Valuable

Hippocrates lived from 460 BC until 370BC and earned historical acclaim as the Father of Modern Medicine. Hippocrates was the first physician to advocate how diseases were caused naturally, not through superstition or as punishment from polytheistic gods. His approach revolutionized peoples’ understanding of modern healthcare. Emphasis shifted from misconceptions to actively changing environmental factors, diet, and living habits to address specific health conditions or symptoms. Hippocrates’ influence remains strong today as the “Hippocratic Oath” continues to be recited by every graduating doctor from medical or professional school.

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Research Reveals How Chiropractic Uniquely Helps Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Over 10 million people in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia. Those numbers keep rising every single year. Women represent the majority of fibromyalgia sufferers. Characterized by widespread pain accompanied with fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues, fibromyalgia is a devastating condition. Most people suffering with fibromyalgia jump from doctor to doctor looking for solutions to the pain and suffering. The majority receive powerful drugs designed to only treat their symptoms. Medical researchers continue to study the disease and analyze the data to seek a cure. Many fibromyalgia sufferers feel hopeless and see no end in sight.

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Can a Chiropractic Adjustment Truly Improve Health Beyond Pain Relief?

Understanding the importance of a healthy spine provides the simplest path to comprehending the power of a chiropractic adjustment. The spine has a purpose far beyond helping a person stand up straight. The bones of the spine accomplish so much more than simply protecting the vital life source found in the spinal cord. The spine also supplies a significant amount of the vital nutrition to the brain. Electrical feedback takes place through movement. The better the movement, the better the brain and nervous system function. When the nervous system functions better, all aspects of health and human performance improve. Scientific research continues to prove the significant value of a healthy spine.

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The Central Nervous System: The Source for ALL Chiropractic Results

The current medical model of healthcare in most developed nations unintentionally fails to address a large component of health that plays a vital role in human function and performance. Failing to address the importance of human structure and its relationship to gravity proves costly. Chiropractors comprise a uniquely educated and scientifically trained profession focused on addressing spinal structure and biomechanics. These processes achieve extraordinary results extending far beyond pain relief by helping patients achieve optimal brain and nervous system function.

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Research Shows the Benefits of Chiropractic Extend Far Beyond Pain Relief

The current medical model of healthcare in most developed nations unintentionally fails to address a large component of health that plays a vital role in human function and performance. Failing to address the importance of human structure and its relationship to gravity proves costly. Chiropractors comprise a uniquely educated and scientifically trained profession focused on addressing spinal structure and biomechanics. These processes achieve extraordinary results extending far beyond pain relief by helping patients achieve optimal brain and nervous system function.

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The Benefits of Chiropractic on Anti-Aging

Chiropractic adjustments influence the same blood chemistry known to prevent the progression of aging. One of the many unique and profound benefits that accompany an adjustment involves slowing the stress and aging process. Most chiropractic patients begin care because of back or neck problem. Yet the benefits of adjustments extend well beyond pain relief. Anti-aging serves as an evidence-based benefit of chiropractic because of its influence on blood chemistry.

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Chiropractic Helps Concussion Patients Heal & Recover More Quickly

Very few conditions warrant more attention and notoriety in today’s culture than concussions. Concussions plague more people of all ages than ever before. Real solutions can only be achieved through proper education and awareness. Evidence proves that Chiropractic provides unique health benefits and answers to people suffering from this horrible condition.

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MYTH BUSTER: “Cracking” Joints and Arthritis

An old belief still exists that cracking knuckle joints leads to arthritis. Research put this theory to the test. Studies performed in the mid 1970’s and again in 2011 proved that no connection exists between cracking knuckles and arthritis. Dr. Donald Unger, a medical doctor, earned a Nobel Prize in 2009 for his sixty-year study proving that knuckle cracking did not contribute to arthritis. Not only was no correlation found between knuckle cracking and arthritis, but the research also showed a completely opposite effect. People who regularly cracked the knuckle joints in their hand experienced less arthritis than those who did not. These findings help further clarify the benefits and unique value of long-term chiropractic adjustments on the spine.

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Don't Wait...Choose Proactive Health Care

An old adage instructs that good things come to those who wait. Waiting to make health care choices proves to be a major exception to the time-honored virtue of patience. Dental checkups, mammograms, prostate exams and physicals help detect problems early or address them before they turn into a larger problem. New research proves the value of early intervention to address back and sciatica pain.

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5 Surprising Tips to Improve Sleep that You Will NOT Learn from the News

Sleep delivers vital necessities needed for quality life and health. Many biological processes occur during sleep. The brain stores new information and gets rid of toxic waste. Nerve cells communicate and reorganize and support healthy brain function. The body repairs cells, restores energy, and releases molecules like hormones and proteins. During sleep, hormones flood the body to aid in healing and repair. The stress component of the nervous system relaxes during sleep while the growth and repair component of the nervous system goes into overdrive.

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Disc Herniations Stink! New research sheds light on a painful topic .

Disc herniations plague millions of people every year. The most common route taken by most seeking pain relief comes from strong medication, cortisone shots, and back surgery. Back pain can be so severe that many suffering from such stabbing and burning pain resort to anything that produces even the slightest bit of comfort. Sleep becomes a chore and evening rest tends to be the worst for those suffering from the pain of a disc herniation. No amount of positioning provides enough pain relief to sleep as the minutes dwindle by before the start of another pain-filled workday. Solutions outside of drugs and surgery exist that reduce pain and promote healing for those suffering from disc herniations.

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