How to Drink More Water in 2024

The start of the new year is the perfect opportunity to take up a new habit for your health. And if you don’t drink enough water on a daily basis, focusing more on staying hydrated is a good way to put yourself on a path to a better you. Knowing how much water you need every day and a few tricks for drinking it consistently is just what you need to get there. 

How to Drink More Water in 2024

Learn How Much Water Is Enough

It’s a safe bet that you’ve heard the old saying that we need eight glasses of water a day. And that’s certainly a good starting point to make sure you drink enough water. But the reality is that we tend to need quite a bit more than that. The estimated average for adults is closer to 12-15 cups of fluid a day. This also varies depending on your age, level of physical activity, overall health, and so on. 

Count Your Ounces

The best way to ensure you’re staying hydrated is to keep track of your water intake. And maybe the best way to do this is to carry a reusable water bottle with measurements on the side. If your water bottle tops out at 32 ounces, you’ll know that three refills will get you pretty close to your daily recommended intake. Another way to make sure you drink enough water throughout the day is to get an app on your phone that helps you keep track. Water tracking is also a feature in many fitness and nutrition apps, giving you an all-in-one tool for better health. 

Mix Things Up, But Avoid the Sugar

One thing to remember is that your daily intake is fluid, not necessarily just water. Water should make up the bulk of the fluids you drink in a day, but it can be a bit boring—unless you know how to make it more appealing. Adding a squeeze of lemon juice or opting for sparkling water gives you flavor or carbonation without adding unnecessary sugar and calories. Drinking coffee and tea can help you stay hydrated and boost your natural energy. You should, however, try to avoid sodas and energy drinks with high sugar content and keep your alcohol intake to a minimum. 

Lifestyle Coaching Can Help You Drink Enough Water

You want to drink more water so that you’re staying hydrated every day, but you may not feel like you know where or how to get started. Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ, can help with lifestyle advice coaching and nutritional counseling. Schedule an appointment or visit us to learn how we can help get your 2024 off to a great start.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman